Schlagwort: agility

Neue Arbeitswelten in Hochfranken

(Veröffentlicht auf das Magazin Karriereziel, Autorin: Vera Dorschner)

„SCRUM gebacken bekommen“: So wirbt seit Juni 2021 ein weiteres Start-up aus Hochfranken, die Agile Bakery, nach nur einem guten halben Jahr der Gründungsphase.

Zwei Fachleute aus komplett unterschiedlichen beruflichen Welten haben sich hier zusammengefunden: Yiheng „Sam“ Cen, aus China stammender freiberuflicher Innovationsberater und Scrum Master, und Andreas Fickenscher, leidenschaftlicher Bäckermeister aus Münchberg und „Handwerker mit agilem Mindset“.


Reviewing the “Build-Test-Learn” Cycle from a Duplo Project

Be humble and observative in everyday life, you will learn quite a lot. This is one comment to my above post on LinkedIn.

This time it is about building a Duplo Railway. My 3-year-old boy started by observing how his 6-year-old brother build with Duplo. Having no burden at all in mind, he started his own “project”. He started to build, then he tested it very quickly to see if it is stable and finally he continued, of course, with some special learnings from each previous iteration he ran through.


5 Reasons NOT to apply OKR

Two years after my self-learning about the topic OKR, I finally got the chance to finish the book Measure What Matters by John Doerr.

Thanks to Corona, short-time work and of course my wife, who took care of the kids and granted me some free time for reading😂. The book is very well written, inspiring and challenges me to think: why is it difficult to practice?
